In the news...
Donations Received
Marathon Donation
Thank you to Marathon for the Rope Gun donation to our Hazmat Team
Crown Point Community Foundation
Thank you to the Crown Point Community Foundation for the grant award to purchase equipment for our Hazmat Team
Other Donations
Thank you to CSX Transportation, TC Energy, Wolverine Pipeline, CN Railroad, Enbridge, Crown Point Community Foundation, Hammond Gaming Committee, & Lake County Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) for their monetary donations and grant funding to acquire equipment for our Hazmat Team. The LCFCA Hazmat Team has better response capabilities and as always provides the highest standard of safety for our personnel, the public and the environment.
The Legacy Foundation
Thank you to the Legacy Foundation for the generous grant award to purchase a new Area Rae.
Erie Insurance
Thank you to Erie Insurance for the generous grant award toward updating our Area Raes
Thank you 911 Dispatchers for all you do!
LCFCA brought a Christmas Eve taco bar (thank you LaQuesadilla) to our 911 dispatch centers to say thanks.